Friday, November 26, 2010
Sebab Mata Lelaki Gemar Lihat Badan Wanita

Monday, November 22, 2010
Sweet 20’s
Whenever my friends had their 20th birthday I usually wish them “happy birthday buddy, welcome to sweet 20’s”. Some of my friends replied “thanks man, why you said sweet 20’s?”
Well, when your age in between 20 to 30 there are lots of sweet things will happen to most of you. Let say if God allowed you to live in this period of life time. In 20’s you will probably:
1-finish your studies, you will probably say “yahoo!! No more study. I will close the academic books for the rest of my life”. If you plan to pursue your study to get PhD, well it is another story.
2-Have your first job.
3-have your first salary in your life. Usually not so much and some of you will say “I studied for 5 years to get my degree but my salary doesn’t worth with all my effort of 5 years of studies.”
4-since you have a job, you probably have your first car in your life. Even though it wasn’t your dream car but you will be happy with it because you have it with your own effort.
5- Married to the person you love (usually girls married at this age) and you will be a husband/wife to the person you love.
6-If you are very lucky, you will have your first child in this period. So you will be a father/mother to your child.
Don’t you think these 6 events are the sweetest things will happen in your life? If so, let us pray to the God, so that HE will allow us to live in this period of life time.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Routine at the beginning of every new semester.
By the time write this post, my semester break almost end with remaining 9 days left. Oh no!! A month of holiday feels like just a week, what a short time. A month of semester break never enough to me, suppose it have to extend up to 2 month …hahaha..
Thinking of new semester to come in next few days really spoiled my mood on this holiday. Yeah, I’ll be back to my daily routine as a student of university. Wake up in early morning, prepared myself for morning class which will be in 9 am for next semester schedule, grab the car key, warm up the engine and goes off to college. Before I reach the college, stuck in traffic jam is just a thing I have to face with. Stuck in traffic jam with lot of cars, light blue “bas kilang”, school buses, Lorries, trucks and sometimes oil tanker s really spoiled my mood in the morning. So I turned on the radio and listened to “lawak di Era FM” this really make me smile alone in the morning. Once I got into the college, looking for a place to park my car is another problem. If it was my lucky day, I can park my car easily. If it wasn’t, there no other option except to park far away from my class. I have to walk for about a hundred meters to my class. Once the lecture finished usually in evening, I have to face again that damn road congestion. I planned to have a kapcai (cheap motorbike) but my parents wouldn’t allowed me to do so as they are concern about my safety.
At the beginning of new semester, there nothing much I can say about it. Usually my friends will ask these three common questions “How your result in previous semester? Got dean list?”, How you spend your holiday?” and “How your time table in this semester, any class you share with me?” Also to mention here, it is the time where the students got really busy with add/drop session, searching for second hand textbook and purchasing any relevant stationary required in their course. Once all those things settled off, most of the students become lazy with their studies including myself. Yeah, nothing much to do with the studies at the beginning of new semester. Usually it just an introduction to the academic subjects. At the beginning of semester I think it is the time for me to enjoy myself with my friends. What I can say is hanging around in shopping complex and spend lots of hours in cinema is just a way of student’s life at the beginning of new semester.
That’s all I can describe what would happen at the beginning of every new semester in my college.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
4 golongan lelaki ke neraka
Artikel kali ni bukan aku yang buat...copy dari facebook somebody. Tiba2 jer terlintas dalam fikiran nak share jer kat sini. Moga2 kita terpelihara daripada tergolong dalam golongan berikut.
Pertama:- 'Ayahnya' - Apabila seseorang yang bergelar ayah tidak memperdulikan anak-anak perempuannya di dunia.Dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat, mengaji dan sebagainya.Dia membiarkan anak-anak perempuannya tidak menutup aurat.. tidak cukup kalau dengan hanya memberi kemewahan dunia sahaja maka dia akan ditarik oleh anaknya.
Kedua:- 'Suaminya' - Apabila seorang suami tidak memperdulikan tindak tanduk isterinya. Bergaul bebas di pejabat,memperhiaskan diri bukan untuk suami tapi untuk pandangan kaum lelaki yang bukan mahram,apabila suami mendiamkan diri.. Walaupun dia seorang alim (solat tidak tangguh, puasa tidak tinggal)maka dia akan ditarik oleh isterinya.
Ketiga:- 'Abang-abangnya' - Apabila ayahnya sudah tiada, tanggungjawab menjaga maruah wanita jatuh kepala abang-abangnya..jikalau mereka hanya mementing keluarganya sahaja dan adik perempuannya dibiar melencong dari ajaran ISLAM. Tunggulah tarikan adiknya di akhirat.
Keempat:-' Anak Lelakinya' - Apabila seorang anak tidak menasihati seorang ibu perihal kelakuan yang haram dari Islam, maka anak itu akan disoal dan dipertangungjawabkan diakhirat kelak.. Nantikan tarikan ibunya.
Maka kita lihat betapa hebatnya tarikan wanita bukan sahaja di dunia malah di akhirat pun tarikannya begitu hebat...maka kaum lelaki yang bergelar ayah / suami / abang atau anak harus memainkan peranan mereka yang sebenar tidaksilap firman ALLAH S.W.T.:-
" Hai anak adam peliharakanlah diri kamu serta ahli kamu dari api neraka,di mana bahan pembakarnya ialah manusia dan batu-batu.."
Hai wanita, kasihankan ayah anda, suami anda,abang-abang anda serta anak-anak lelaki anda..Kesiankanlah mereka dan juga diri kamu sendiri..jalankan perintah ALLAH S.W.T. dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan dengan penuh ikhlas..
Akhir kata, marilah kita berdoa agar kita semua terselamat dari ditarik dan tertarik oleh mana-mana pihak. Harga seseorang muslim adalah sangat berharga.
ALLAH S.W.T. nilaikan seseorang muslim dengan SYURGA.. semua kaum muslim masuk syurga..janganlah kita membuang atau tidak mengendah janji ALLAH S.W.T.
Semoga kita semua tergolong dari ahli syurga yang memasukinya tanpa hisab. InsyaAllah.