Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Diari Ramadhan 2011

Entry kali ni bukan ditulis pada bulan Ramadhan tapi pada bulan Syawal, nk tepat lagi 7 Syawal dalam erti kata lain hari raya ke-7. Mood raya masih hidup mekar lagi dlm kepala. Kelazatan ketupat,rendang,biskut raya dan lemang masih lagi terasa dilidah. So..memadangkan masih dlm mood raya, entry kali pendek skit daripada biasa. (nk ikutkan malas nk update..tp ramai member2 blogger kt luar sana dh update…aku x nk ketinggalan). Sebelum back to main topic, di kesempatan ini aku ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua yang mengenali diri ku ini. Andai ader tersilap, ampun maaf dipinta. Kosong-kosong ok?

Ramadhan kali ni agak kurang memuaskan berbanding tahun2 sebelumnya. Seblum masuk Ramadhan hari tu niat Ramadhan tahun ni nk lebih baik daripada sblumnya. Tapi bila masuk Ramadhan tahun ni lain pulak jadinya. Aku rasa Ramadhan tahun ni paling kurang amalan sunat dibuat. Terawikh banyak aku x pergi. Quran pun jarang skali aku baca. Ini semua aku tunding jari ke diri ku sendiri kerana sibuk dengan urusan duniawi semata-mata. Apa tidaknya, pada bulan ini, Yang Maha Esa banyak menguji diriku dengan pelbagai bentuk ujianNYA.

8 August 2011, tarikh keramat aku ingat selamanya-selamanya. Pada tarikh inilah aku diuji dengan deadline assignment machine design project. Masih terpahat dalam kepala otak aku memori 3 hari tak tidur malam menyiapkan projek “gila” ni. Nk kata aku suka wat kerja last minit x jgak sebab bukan aku sorang jer tapi semua member2 aku x tidor malam tu nk siapkan. Project dh diberi tempoh 2 bulan tapi punyalah susah nk difikirkan dan disiapkan (tajuk project “gearbox design for windturbine”). Dia punya calculation ..oh! tuhan sahaja tahu bertapa azabnya ntuk dikira. Projek ni bukan setakat calculation jer tapi skali ngan kemahiran menggunakan CAD (computer aided design). Nk dipendekkan citer disini, aku redah jer ujian ni dengan sabar dan tabah (ayat xleh blah). Allhamdulillah pada 8 August jgak lah project report yang tebalnya lebih kurang 50 muka surat berjaya disiapkan. 80% hasil report tu berbentuk calculation yang melampau-lampau panjang. Aper2 pun aku bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana diberi kekuatan kepada diriku ntuk menyiapkannya.

Wind Turbine Gearbox design by using Pro Engineering Software.

9 August bukan titik akhir.

Lepas jer aku hantar projek report, hati rasa macam senang semacam jer. Beban yang membelengu dlm kepala otak tiba2 jer hilang sesudah report dihantar. Masih aku ingat terawikh malam tu aku agak khusyuk. Sebelum 8 August ader jugak aku pergi terawikh sehari-dua, tapi langsung tak khusyuk. Time solat masa tu hanya perkata “gearbox” jer timbul dlm kepala otak langusung xleh fokus. Nk tidur malam pun masih muncul dlm kepala otak image 3D gearbox yang dibina menggunakan computer software. Serius aku cakap hidup aku langsung tak aman sebelum tarikh keramat tu.

Ketenangan yang aku perolehi tidak lama, tanggal 15 August skali lagi aku diuji dengan kewujudan makhluk yg bernama “Final Exam”. Padaku ujian ini tidaklah sehebat ujian “gearbox project” kerana ini kali ke 4 aku menghadapi final exam pada bulan Ramadhan. 4 subjek terpaksa aku hadapi dlm masa hanya seminggu iaitu machine design, advance fluid mechanics, advance thermodynamics dan dynamics system analysis. Padaku semua subjek tu mmg tough. Nk x nk aku kena hadapi jugak subjek2 tu. Puasa Ramadhan sepatutnya tidak menjadi alasan padaku ntuk study kaw2. Peristiwa Perang Badar menjadi teladan pada ku untuk ku tempuhi ujian ini. Tempoh exam dlm masa seminggu memang pendek jika nak dibandingkan dengan final exam di IPTA yang biasanya memakan masa hampir satu bulan. Setelah bertungkus lumus berminggu-minggu study siang malam, final exam berlalu jua pergi. Apa yang inginku perkatakan disini banyak masa aku habiskan ntuk final exam preparation. Oleh yang demikian itu banyak solat terawikh aku skip. Al-quran jarang skali aku baca. Aku berniat semoga preparation ntuk final exam dikira sebagai satu ibadah.

Final exam, the main source of stress for student.

Tanggal 23 August, azab final exam berkahir. Semua beban academic dlm kepala hilang serta merta apabila final exam paper dikutip pada petang tu.Selesainya final exam bermakna kehidupan ku kembali pada normal. Ketenangan fikiran dan kesempurnaan tidor malam kembali menjelma dalam hidup ini. Pada 27 August, aku kembali ke kampung halaman. Sempat jugak berbuka puasa bersama keluarga walaupun hanya tinggal 2 hari sebelum syawal menjelma.

Sekian sahaja entry kali ini.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Busy la bro...

Dh lama tak tulis entry baru. Dh 3 bulan tak jenguk apatah lagi meng-update. Kalau la blog ni benda macam buku dh lama berhabuk siap di makan anai-anai lagi kot. Sorry to kengkawan yg bertanya bila nk update. Maklumlah busy sangat skarang ni. Lagipun, aku ni bukanya kreatif sangat pun ber-blog…takder idea nk tulis pasal aper. Kalau tulis pun benda yang orang lain tak minat.

Ader jugak la member2 kat luar sana tanya “dh cuti, tak update blog kaa?”. Sebenarnya tengah2 budak2 IPTA syok layan cuti panjang skarang ni, aku sebenarnya tak cuti pun. Universiti tempat aku blajar skarang ni takder cuti panjang macam diorang…so terpaksa la aku sambung pelajaran dikala diorang tengah syok bercuti….kekadang jeles gak ngan diorang…posting gambar bercuti sana sini kat facebook tapi aku menghadap buku akademik tiap2 malam.

Lagi teruk, semester ni aku lagi sibuk (lagi senior, lagi sibuk—lumrah student engineering). Macam 2 benda kena study, lagi banyak masa habis menghadap buku, siapkan projek itu ini tambah plak ngan assignment yang tak terkira. Bleh pening woo.. Pendek kata, aku tak update blog sebab jadual harian yang sibuk ntah aper2.

So, sesaper yg suka sgt tanya kenapa tak update ni ler alasanya. InsyaAllah kalau ader masa lapang, ader idea nk tulis, aku akan update. Sekian…

*(back to CAD program , working on my gearbox design project)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jaga aurat anda

Pekara ni macam biasa jer kiter lihat tak kira lah kat rumah ruma sewa, kat asrama, kat surau malah kat masjid pun ader. Ada yang pernah lihat, tapi buat tak tahu jer. Kenapa buat tak tahu dan tidak menegur? Ada yang menjawab tak tahu plak bahagian tu dikira aurat. So..sesaper yg tak tahu, dh tahu la bila tengok gambar diatas. Senang citer… sesaper yg solat mcm tu, mmg confirm dikira BATAL SOLAT. Lepas ni kalau korang tengok sesaper yg solat mcm tu tak kira la ayah,adik,abang ,sepupu ,sedara-mara, sahabat2…tegurlah mereka. Jangan plak bila nampak orang solat macam tu, korang plak lantik dia jadi imam…no..no…no…tp benda ni ader jer belaku…pernah member aku citer dia tengok orang solat mcm tu tapi ma’mum2 yg ikut ramai jer. Mungkin ma’mum2 yg ikut tu tak perasan kot atau pun tak tahu solat macam tu tak sah. Kalau korang rasa rajin nak wat amal, print gambar kat atas tu pastu tampal kat notice board surau ,masjid, sekolah … bukannya aper.. pekara ni sebenarnya ramai yang tak tahu.

Mengapa pekara ni berlaku? Sebab baju yang dipakai tu kecil atau seluar londeh. Bila sujud, baju akan terangkat dan mendedahkan bahagian aurat tu . Tapi…biasanya tak sedar bila aurat bahagian belakang terdedah sbb tak nampak (mata manusia kat depan). Nak selamat, bila dh pakai t-shirt, time solat pakai kain pelikat (pastikan kain diikat atas bahagian pusat).

Sekian, wassalam…

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A day at chop shop.

Driving a car with lots of dents and scratches is something odd. If you’re a guy who really cares on your ride appearance, I’m sure you really want to fix it as soon as possible. Just imagine yourself driving a car in this condition to your workplace or school, and as soon as you parked your car you noticed that some peoples around you look at the scratch and dents on your ride and some of them came up with an annoying sentence such as “what a nice hood you have (referring to your scratched hood)”, kind of little bit of shame isn’t it? So, this is what happened to me a few months ago. I have 8 years old Perodua Kelisa with a heavily corroded hood. How the corrosion came from? Well it is a long story to tell here and what I can say it is because of poor body maintenance by previous owner (it is second hand car). I drive that car with this condition for about 4 months and I’m very shy to drive it because of its corroded hood. I try to fix it but, I didn’t have enough budget at first but then when I have enough cash to fix it, I didn’t have much time to send it to the workshop. Just after the final exam, I have lot of free time and I take this chance to fix my hood. First, I send it to the workshop at Jalan Reko,Kajang, the mechanics in charge there told me it would cost RM250 to fix the hood by replacing new protective layer and repainting it. For me RM250 is quite lot of money to spend and I tried out another alternative which replacing the whole hood with new one where I can get it from chop shop. I searched for the used hood on internet (mudah.my) for a month but sadly I couldn’t find any of it with same color with my ride. So, my last effort is to get myself to nearby chop shop which is in Kajang. There, I found a shop where it sold plenty of imported half cut as well as local half cut including Kelisa. There, I found 2 complete whole Kelisa body parts where both of them are in similar color with my ride. The owner of the chop shop offers me RM170 for used hood after trade in with my corroded hood. For me RM170 and RM250 are quite big difference, so I accept the offer from the parts dealer. However the used hood I got not as good as new painted hood but it is much better than the corroded hood.

Corroded Hood

What I want to share here is, if you want to fix your car due to minor damages, don’t straight away send it to the workshop. Try to consider replacing the whole damaged parts with used parts sold at chop shop. This alternative might safe your money.

Take a look at this 3 years old Singaporean Proton Savvy I found at that chop shop , very good condition, not even a scratch can be found on this car. If your car is similar with this car, you just straight away can equip its part without painting it. This will save you from painting cost.

That’s all from me for this time post….drive safely,don't play-play on the road and…..oh yeah, before I forgot….



Finally, I successfully finished up my 2 year 2nd semester. Next semester would be my third year of pursuing my mechanical engineering degree. When I thinking about this..Wow..I already in third year in such a short time and I will finish up my degree in just another one year and a half to come. When I remember back from the time when I was in first year until now, there a lot of things happen. Lots of experience I obtained, lots of friends I made as well as lots of things to do. Assignments, projects, presentation, group discussion, final exam… all these words are commons to me as an engineering student. Those entire things really teaches me lots of lesson not just engineering knowledge but also other things such as the meaning of the friendship, time management and the way how to deal with other peoples. For me, engineering is not just a calculation and solving the problem only but also teach me moral values. In engineering we deal with ethical and moral value as well. For example, we solve problems with the most minimum cost to avoid wasting limited raw material as well as to minimum the pollution to the environment. Also we put the safety factor as our top priority in our design which means we’re just not focusing on profit only but also to ensure the priceless human life to be safe with our design. For me, engineering can be fun since what we all do is creating something that can make our daily life task easier in other word this is what we call it as “MACHINE”.

*Sometimes engineering can drive me crazy as solving engineering related problems aren’t easy things to do. Critical thinking is something cannot be avoided in engineering.